Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action Toward Cairo+20

Dear partners,

Please join us in endorsing the Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action toward the 20-year review of the Cairo conference in 2014:

It was developed by an inter-generational group of over 30 feminists convened by Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ), International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC) and Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN).

Please use this rallying call to mobilize your constituencies toward reclaiming and realising the hard won sexual and reproductive rights and health agenda. Endorsements (name, organization, country) should be sent to info@resurj.org.

The statement with all signatories will be delivered to delegates at the upcoming UN Commission on Population and Development in April 2012.

STATEMENT: Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action Toward Cairo+20
December 21, 2011

As the world reviews progress on implementation of the  Program of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, women in all our diversity, are mobilizing.  We aim to build political commitment, to overcome financial and legal obstacles, and to transform the weak health systems,  adverse social and economic conditions, violence and discrimination that impede us from accessing the necessary health services and information to make informed decisions about our sexual and reproductive lives.  All over the world, millions of women are demanding justice.  Young women are speaking out, calling for meaningful participation in all areas of public life, for education and jobs, and fulfillment of human rights, including sexual and reproductive rights.

Today, there are 1.8  billion young people between the ages of 10‐24 who do not have access to the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and sexuality education that they need for a safe and healthy life.  More than 215 million women who are married or living in unions do not want to be pregnant but lack access to modern contraception, and even more lack access to other vital sexual and  reproductive  health  services  and  information. The  prevalence  of  anemia  due  to  poor  nutrition, continuing lack of  safe water and sanitation, and the health impacts of rising global and national inequality place the sexual and reproductive health of girls and women at grave risk.  Too many women and girls continue to face gender inequality, violence, and other violations of human rights.

We will generate political will, sustained action, and accountability for:

  • Universal  access  to  quality,  comprehensive,  integrated  sexual  and  reproductive  health services,  counseling,  and  information  for  women  and  adolescent  girls,  with  respect  for their human  rights,  and  with  an  emphasis  on  equity  and  respect  for  diversity. Comprehensive services include: gynecological care, all forms of safe and effective contraception, safe abortion and  post  abortion  care,  maternity  care,  and  prevention,  timely  diagnosis  and  treatment  of sexually  transmitted  infections  including  HIV,  breast  and  reproductive  cancers,  and infertility. Ideally, these should be integrated, one‐stop services tailored to women’s needs throughout the life cycle, with effective referral.
  • Programs that empower women, particularly adolescent girls and young women, to know their bodies and to exercise their rights, especially through comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Protection and promotion of reproductive rights as human rights, and international adoption of sexual  rights as  human  rights.    Full  recognition  and  implementation,  through  policies and programs, of existing and emerging legal standards are urgently needed.
  • Young  women’s leadership at  all  levels  and  types  of  decision‐making  on  sexual  and reproductive  rights  and  health,  and  the  meaningful  participation  of  women’s  organizations  in the design of health and development programs