Pacific Feminists and Activists: Re-framing, Re-articulating and Re-energizing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights!

An inaugural gathering of women and trans* people from key Pacific civil society organisations (CSOs), networks and alliances was held in Nadi, Fiji from the 12-15 February 2013, to take stock of the progress in SRHR made over the past 20 years by State and non-State actors.

Thirty two participants from Chuuk Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu critically analyzed, mapped and strategised towards more effectiveadvancement of SRHR in the Pacific region. They then met with key allies from UN agencies, regional and global development and human rights institutions, to strategise on ways to take this Call forward. This regional meeting was co-convened by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN); Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM); Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA), for Equality; and Pacific Youth Council (PYC). We acknowledge the global feminist solidarity work that has informed this process, including from those of us working on the Women’s Rallying Call on ICPD@20, ‘Our Rights, Our Lives: Women’s Call to Action Toward Cairo+20’.


Papua New Guinea State to repeal the Sorcery Act and investigate and prosecute all criminal cases to prevent further torture and extrajudicial killing of women and girls under the guise of eliminating witchcraft and sorcery. There must also be concerted efforts by States and regional and global institutions to ensure that the seriousness and frequency of these crimes are acknowledged and that these responses are immediate, strong and effective;

Rights to legal and safe abortion for all Pacific women and girls;
Address the alarming levels of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)*
*amongst Pacific women and girls;

Recognition that lesbian, bisexual and trans* rights are women’s
rights and human rights, and to fulfill those rights;

Repeal of all laws and policies in Pacific island states that
criminalise same-sex relationships, and recognise all people with
non-heteronormative sexual orientation and gender identity as full and
equal rights-holders;

Decriminalisation of sex work and elimination of the unjust application
of non-criminal laws and regulations against sex workers;

The immediate ratification of CEDAW by Palau, and Tonga;
Regional leaders to prioritise an immediate end to small arms trade
and trafficking and the militarization of states that serve to perpetuate
and reinforce patriarchal forms of power and control.

For a full copy of the Outcome statement please go Click HERE to Download

To Download the Final Report Click HERE

To Download the Regional CSO outcomes Click HERE


Please send your name, organisation/affiliations (if applicable) and your community group/state/territory to: **** **by **Thursday 28 February 2013.