Reactionary Forces & Biopolitics


thiopian feminist Zenebework Tadesse (former DAWN Board member) provide the observation that women’s rights often provoke fundamental reactions that make people from different cultures and backgrounds very uncomfortable. Yvonne Underhill-Sem (Associate Professor University of Auckland) emphasises an ongoing process of emboldenment within right-wing forces. Gita Sen (DAWN General Co-Coordinator) adds her voice to the observations about the world imagined in the 1990s UN Conferences and the world we live now, followed by Cai Yiping (DAWN Executive Committee) with views on politics and spirituality. Sonia Corrêa (DAWN Board) concludes the discussion with an analysis of sexuality and gender as central aspects of the recent right-wing revival.

In this series of videos, we invite you to experience what DAWN’s analysis looks like, presented live at an international meeting. We join forces with partners and contributors from other organisations to think and discuss contemporary issues such as corporate capture, religious extremism, biopolitics and the climate crisis.

DAWN owes its sustained activism throughout the years to all the great women who have committed their time, strength, and expertise to build critical South analyses of global issues. Strategically located as a feminist network within the paradoxical spaces opened by globalisation, DAWN engages with other networks in its advocacy for gender, economic and ecological justice as well as sustainable and democratic development. The meeting where this video was captured is an example of this process.