Speech of DR. GITA SEN during the public forum: A Local-Global Conversation on the Philippines’ Reproductive Health Bill

Dr. Gita Sen is a member of High-Level Task Force on ICPD. She has worked for 35 years nationally and internationally on population policies, reproductive and sexual health, gender equality and women’s human rights, as well as issues of poverty, human development and labour markets. Her work has helped to shape the global paradigm shift on population and development. A citizen of India, Sen holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University. She is a professor of public policy at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India, and adjunct professor of global health and population at Harvard University. She is a founder and member of the Executive Committee of Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) – a network of feminist analysts, researchers, and advocates from the global south.

The Public Forum was sponsored by DAWN, The Forum for Family Planning and Development, Inc., Linangan ng Kababaihan (Likhaan) and the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines.

Downloadable File(s): PDF icon speech_of_dr._gita_sen.pdf