An Open Letter to Trade Ministries and the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Stop all trade and investment treaty negotiations during the COVID-19 outbreak and refocus on access to medical supplies and saving lives

April 17, 2020
Dear World Trade Organization Members,
A new coronavirus has caused a COVID-19 pandemic that has spread across nearly all countries. It is currently predicted to infect millions and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for governments to take a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach to address this pandemic and refocus their attention on suppressing and controlling COVID-19.
Many governments at the national and subnational level are already doing so. Governments are working around the clock to deal with the health aspects including life-threatening shortages of medical supplies, including medicines, and healthcare workers and preparing for a global economic shock that is more severe than the 2008 global financial crisis. Government officials are being diverted to working on the pandemic, and trade negotiators and key decision makers have already fallen sick with the coronavirus.
Countries do not have enough staff and other resources to deal with just the health aspects of the pandemic. These pressures are especially intense for developing countries. Governments everywhere are facing shortages of essential test kits and other medical supplies, such as personal protective equipment including masks, ventilators, vaccines and medicines. Vaccines and potential medicines to treat COVID-19 are under clinical trial and development and it is not clear whether intellectual property will be a barrier to their supply, access and affordability due to currently applicable obligations under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and free trade agreements.
Given this clear and urgent priority, we are shocked that some trade negotiations are still continuing in the WTO, as well as bilaterally and regionally, using virtual technologies. It is not feasible for many developing and least developed countries to participate, given the digital divide and the need to focus all governmental resources on this public health emergency. Nor should countries be diverting their resources into negotiating rules for a world that will be unimaginably different once the pandemic subsides.
The first and only priority for trade negotiators at this time should be to remove all obstacles, including intellectual property rules, in existing agreements that hinder timely and affordable access to medical supplies, such as lifesaving medicines, devices, diagnostics and vaccines, and the ability of governments to take whatever steps are necessary to address this crisis.
Unilateral sanctions that prevent countries from obtaining essential medical supplies must end.
We call on WTO Members to ensure that all countries have the flexibilities to set aside trade rules that constrain their ability to resolve the pandemic crisis, without fear of repercussions, and to cease other negotiations and activities that divert their energy and resources from that goal.
We further call on you to recognise that the COVID-19 pandemic necessitates a fundamental re-think of the types of rules that are negotiated in trade agreements, including those that can encourage monopolies and reduce affordable access to all forms of medical supplies, and put at risk the lives of people in every country of the world.
Endorsers as of April 17, 2020:
International and Regional Networks:
1 | ActionAid International | ActionAid is a global movement of people fighting for women’s rights, social and tax justice, gender-responsive public services, land rights, agroecology, climate change and to end poverty. | |
2 | African Center for Tax and Governance | Tax policy research-oriented organisation that promotes equitable taxation through policy-oriented research. The firm also offers advisory services to revenue authorities and ministries of finance on tax policy. | |
3 | All Win Network | In consultative ECOSOC status and one of the founding members of the Commons Cluster of the UN NGO MG. Promote values in all fields that serve the well being of all people and Nature. | |
4 | Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe -ATALC | Articula a los grupos miembro presentes en 14 países de la región y establecido alianzas estratégicas de mediano y largo plazo con movimientos sociales latinoamericanos. ATALC basa su trabajo en una perspectiva donde la justicia ambiental, social, económica y de género están interconectadas y se retroalimentan entre sí. | |
5 | Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | Regional Disability Right Organization | |
6 | Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) | Working in 14 Arab Countries | |
7 | Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development (APWLD) | Leading network of feminist organisations and individual activists in Asia Pacific. 248 members representing groups of diverse women from 27 countries in Asia Pacific. Over the past 32 years, APWLD has actively worked towards advancing women’s human rights and development justice. | |
8 | Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) | APRN was established to develop cooperation among alternative research centres of NGOs and social movements that work on current development issues affecting the people across the region. | |
9 | Association of World Citizens | Foster world citizens values through articles on prominent world citizens throughout the ages and through hands on citizens diplomacy | |
10 | Banana Link | Advocating and accompanying a transition of the global banana sector to ecologically sustainable and socio-economically fair production and trade | |
11 | BRICS Feminist Watch | Engaged in critical feminist analyses to promote ecologically, economically and socially sustainable development in the BRICS countries in order to challenge mainstream and dominant economic development models towards being more inclusive, sustainable, and just. | |
12 | CENTRAL LATINOAMERICANA Y CARIBEÑA DE TRABAJADORES DEL ESTADO (CLATE) | Organización sindical internacional que agrupa a los trabajadores estatales de las hermanas naciones de América Latina, siendo encargada de fijar y ejecutar a nivel latinoamericano, la política global y coordinada de la promoción de los trabajadores estatales. | |
13 | Columban Missionaries | International missionary organization within the Catholic Church, ministering in 18 countries | |
14 | Confederación Sindical de trabajadores/as de las Américas (CSA) | La CSA es la expresión regional de la Confederación Sindical Internacional y afilia a 55 millones de trabajadores/as afiliados a 48 organizaciones nacionales de 24 países | |
15 | DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era) | DAWN is a global South feminist network that works towards gender, economic, and ecological justice. | |
16 | Disabled People’s International | ||
17 | Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality | One of the few publicly led Pacific LGBTQI organisations based in Suva, Fiji since 2011.. This grassroots led south feminist collective and networks works in intersectional and interlinkage frames ways for universal human rights, for social, economic, ecological and climate justice. DIVA convene several coalitions and is part of global networks including Women’s Major group, WGC on UNFCCC, and others. | |
18 | Dynamique des Organisations de la Société Civile d’Afrique Francophone (OSCAF) | Sa mission est de créer un consensus et une voix francophones proactives sur les enjeux de politiques économiques liés au Commerce international, à l’Investissement, à la Responsabilité Sociétale des entreprises et à l’Efficacité de l’aide et du développement (CIRSE) afin d’exercer une influence positive sur les orientations en matière de développement en Afrique. | |
19 | EANNASO | Regional network of AIDS and Health Service Organization in Eastern Africa and working across Anglophone Africa | |
20 | Eastern Himalayan Network on Climate Change | Network of CSO in Chana, Myanmar, India and Bangladesh. We work on Climate Change and on the rights of indigenous people to obtain water, food, land, forest, natural resources etc. | |
21 | Education International | World’s largest, most representative global, sectoral organization of unions that represents organizations of teachers and other education employees with more than 32.5 million trade union members in 384 organizations in 178 countries and territories. | |
22 | ESAFF – Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale farmers Forum | ESAFF is a network of 2.1 million small scale farmers. The network with its head office in Tanzania has members in 16 countries of Eastern and Southern Africa. | |
23 | FEMNET – African Women’s Development and Communication Network | Panafric feminist membership organization with more than 800 members across 45 African countries. | |
24 | Focus on the Global South | Regional think tank that combines policy research, advocacy, activism and grassroots capacity building in order to generate critical analysis and encourage debates on national and international policies related to corporate-led globalization, neo-liberalism and democracy. It is based in Asia with offices in Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines and India | |
25 | Friends of the Earth Europe | Largest grassroots environmental network in Europe, uniting more than 30 national organizations with thousands of local groups. | |
26 | Friends of the Earth International | Friends of the Earth International is the largest grassroots environmental justice federation in the world with over million members in 73 countries. We resist corporate globalisation and demand climate justice. | |
27 | Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) | Movement of hundreds of civil society organisations and activists, including trade unions, united in campaigning for greater transparency, democratic oversight and redistribution of wealth in national and global tax systems. With regional networks in Africa, Latin America, Asia-Australia, North America and Europe. | |
28 | Global Policy Forum | Global Policy Forum is an independent policy watchdog that monitors the work of the United Nations and scrutinizes global policymaking. We promote accountability and citizen participation in decisions on peace and security, social justice and sustainable development. | |
29 | GRAIN | GRAIN is a small international NGO supporting the struggle for food sovereignty | |
30 | Greenpeace | Independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment, and to promote peace with over 3 million supporters and offices in more than 50 countries and do not accept donations from governments, the EU, businesses or political parties. | |
31 | Groupe de recherche et d’initiative pour la liberation de l’ afrique (GRILA) | Fondée en 1984. Contribue à l’émergence et à la consolidation du développement autocentré en Afrique et à la solidarité internationale qu’il requiert. | |
32 | Hakimadini | Rights-based organization working in the mining sector; which advocates for more equitable mineral wealth management. Operates in about 10 regions in national and international policy spaces. | |
33 | IBON International | IBON International cooperate mainly with social movements and civil society constituencies in all regions of the world, especially in the global South building consensus on development issues through engagement in international processes. IBON International is in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). | |
34 | Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy (IATP) | Civil society organization based in Minneapolis US with offices in Washington D.C., Hallowell- US and Berlin- Germany. We work locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems. | |
35 | Institute for Planetary Syntheisis | The Institute for Planetary Synthesis is dedicated to spiritual and organizational global unity and also works for the implementation of the SDGs | |
36 | Institute for Social Democracy | ISD works on Conflict Analysis and Peace Building work in South Asia. We practice and promote concept of Composite Heritage as an entry point for peace building in society. We reach out to people through our publications, workshops and direct interaction with communities affected by conflicts. | |
37 | Internacional de Servicios Públicos, paises andinos | Federación Sindical Internacional que representa a los trabajadores del Estado y de los Servicios Públicos en los países andinos. | |
38 | International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) | Represents 207 million workers in 163 countries and territories and has 331 national affiliates. The primary mission is the promotion and defence of workers’ rights and interests, through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions. | |
39 | International Transport Workers’ Federation – ITF | Democratic, affiliate-led federation recognised as the world’s leading transport authority for workers. We fight passionately to improve working lives, connecting nearly 700 trade unions from 150 countries that may otherwise be isolated and helping their members to secure rights, equality and justice. We are the voice for nearly 20 million working men and women across the world. | |
40 | International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) | The IUF is an international federation of trade unions composed of 421 affiliated trade unions in 128 countries representing over 10 million workers. | |
41 | International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific) | Feminist organisation committed to the full realization of women’s human rights through the pursuit of equality. We act to disrupt structures, systems and institutions that violate women’s human rights, and we engage in movement building that amplifies women’s voices and activism to create alternative political narratives and spaces. | |
42 | Lumiere Synergie pour le Developpement | LSD is monitoring the African Development Bank at policy and operational levels to ensure it is more transparent and accountable to the African People. | |
43 | Masifundise/WFFP | Group of NGOs and community based social movements active in the small scale fisheries sector on the continent of Africa. Masifundise/WFFP in member of the World Forum of Fisher People which is allied to the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty. | |
44 | Médecins Sans Frontières Access Campaign | International, independent, medical humanitarian organisation. The work is rooted in MSF’s medical operations and supports people in their projects and facilitate people from getting the treatment they need to stay alive and healthy. They advocate for effective drugs, tests and vaccines that are available, affordable, suited to the people and adapted to the places where they live. | |
45 | Missionary Society of St. Columban | International society of priests and lay missionaries in 16 countries. Economic Justice is one of our priority issues of concern. | |
46 | Moana Nui Action Alliance | Pacific regional trade and globalization campaigner. | |
47 | New South Wales Teachers Federation | The NSW Teachers Union – affiliate of Australian Education Union | |
48 | Oxfam International | Oxfam is a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty by trackling the inequality that keeps people poor. OXFAM seeks to save, protect and rebuild lives when disaster strikes. | |
49 | Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) | The Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) is a regional watchdog promoting Pacific peoples’ right to be self-determining and economic justice. | |
50 | Peoples Health Movement | This is a network of civil society organisations and people’s movements with networks in about 80 countries, working for health rights and health equity. Secretariat is currently in India. | |
51 | Public Services International (PSI) | Representing 30 million public service workers in 154 countries. | |
52 | Red de Género y Comercio -América Latina | Red de mujeres que trabajan por el empoderamiento económico de las mujeres y por políticas comerciales que contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible. | |
53 | Red Latinoamericana Mujeres Transformando la Economía – REMTE | La REMTE se constituyó en 1997, articula organizaciones de 10 países. Su objetivo es contribuir a la apropiación crítica de la economía por parte de las mujeres en clave feminista. Impulsa ideas, debates, acciones e iniciativas políticas que promuevan economías para la vida como alternativa al neoliberalismo y al capitalismo. | |
54 | Regions Refocus | Cultivates the building blocks for progressive and feminist economic policy by convene strategic policy dialogues that bring together civil society and policy actors, generate and publish heterodox analysis to reshape mainstream policy thinking,coordinate advocacy engagements and build coalitions for long-term mobilization. | |
55 | Réseau Foi & Justice Afrique Europe antennne France | Association constituée de religieuses et religieux qui ont des communautés dans tous les pays d’Afrique et à Madagascar. Engagée dans des actions de plaidoyer contre les causes des injustices subies par l’Afrique du fait des pays occidentaux | |
56 | RIPESS-Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy | Global network of continental networks committed to the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy, the importance of the globalization of solidarity, and the ability to build and strengthen an economy that places people and planet at the centre of its activities. | |
57 | Sisters of Charity Federation | Faith-based coalition working in 27 countries. | |
58 | Social Watch | Social Watch is a network of civil society coalitions in over 50 countries monitoring their governments compliance with international commitments, in particular the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development | |
59 | Society for International Development (SID) | SID is an international network founded in 1957 to promote participative, pluralistic and sustainable development. SID strengthens collective empowerment, facilitates dialogue and knowledge-sharing on people-centered development strategies, and promotes policy change towards inclusiveness, equity and sustainability. | |
60 | Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries | ||
61 | TCHAPE, Tchad Agir Pour l’Environnement | Dotée du statut consultatif spécial par le Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies, DPI/ONG, UNCCD et le FEM et un protocole d’accord avec le gouvernement du Tchad. | |
62 | Third World Network | Independent non-profit international policy research and advocacy organisation involved in issues related to development, developing countries and North-South affairs. Its mission is to bring a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in the South, a fair distribution of world resources, and forms of development which are ecologically sustainable and fulfill human needs. | |
63 | Third World Network TWN-AFRICA | Organisation panafricaine de recherche et de plaidoyer qui œuvre en faveur de l’équité économique et sociale au sein de l’Afrique et d’une place équitable pour l’Afrique dans l’ordre mondial. Leur participation aux actions aux côtés de la PASCIB aussi et depuis l’accord de Cotonou en 2000 nous suivons les négociations et agissons contre la signature forcée des APE . | |
64 | Transnational Institute (TNI) | International activist think tank which serves progressive social movements. Trade and investment has been an area of expertise and activism for more than two decades. | |
65 | UNI Global Union | UNI Global Union is the global union federation for workers in the services industries, with members in more than 150 countries. | |
66 | UNICOM | Its the federation of commerce workers of the Mercosur | |
67 | Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA | Global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, working in the Asia-Pacific, Middle Eat and southern Africa. |
National Organizations:
68 | Amigos de la Tierra Argentina | Argentina | |
69 | Fundación Vía Libre | Argentina | |
70 | IMT-UNTREF | Argentina | |
71 | Instituto de Estudios Sobre Estado y Participación IDEP-ATE | Argentina | |
72 | Unión del Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN) | Argentina | |
73 | AID/WATCH | Australia | |
74 | Australian Arts Trust | Australia | |
75 | Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) | Australia | |
76 | Australian Manufacturing Workers Union NSW Branch | Australia | |
77 | Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace | Australia | |
78 | Community and Public Sector Union (SPSF) | Australia | |
79 | Data Stream Pty Limited | Australia | |
80 | Gene Ethics | Australia | |
81 | GetUp | Australia | |
82 | Grail Women for Justice | Australia | |
83 | International Grail Justice in Trade Agreements Network | Australia | |
84 | Maritime Union of Australia, Victoria Branch | Australia | |
85 | Missionary Society of St Columban | Australia | |
86 | NSW Nurses & Midwives’ Association | Australia | |
87 | Public Health Association of Australia | Australia | |
88 | Society of Presentation Sisters of Australia and PNG | Australia | |
89 | United Workers Union | Australia | |
90 | Australian Council of Trade Unions | Australia | |
91 | Anders Handeln | Austria | |
92 | Attac Austria | Austria | |
93 | Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence | Austria | |
94 | ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria | Austria | |
95 | Bahrain Transparency Society | Bahrain | |
96 | COAST Trust | Bangladesh | |
97 | Food Security Network (KHANI), Bangladesh | Bangladesh | |
98 | Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN | Bangladesh | |
99 | Women Development Program | Bangladesh | |
100 | ISDE Bangladesh | Bangladesh | |
101 | 11.11.11, Belgium | Belgium | |
102 | CETRI – Centre tricontinental | Belgium | |
103 | Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) | Belgium | |
104 | REJEB | Benin | |
105 | Social Watch Bénin | Bénin | |
106 | Fundación | Bolivia | |
107 | Reacción Climática | Bolivia | |
108 | Solidarité Bosnie | Bosnia | |
109 | Jubileu Sul Brazil | Brazil | |
110 | Gestos | Brazil | |
111 | Rede Brasileira Pela Integração dos Povos (REBRIP) | Brazil | |
112 | RESOCIDE | Burkina Faso | |
113 | DUKINGIRE ISI YACU | Burundi | |
114 | Associação Comercial Agrícola Industrial e de Serviços de Santiago (ACAISA) | Cabo Verde | |
115 | Jeudis de Cotonou | Cameroon | |
116 | Council of Canadians/Conseil des Canadiens | Canada | |
117 | Northumberland Chapter of the Council of Canadians | Canada | |
118 | TCHAPE, Tchad Agir Pour l’Environnement | Chad | |
119 | Fundación Constituyente XXI | Chile | |
120 | Plataforma Chile Mejor sin Tratados de Libre Comercio | Chile | |
121 | CENSAT Amigos de la Tierra Colombia | Colombia | |
122 | Observatorio de victimas | Colombia | |
123 | Sindicato de trabajadores de acuavalle | Colombia | |
124 | Asociación Nacional de Profesionales en Enfermería A.N.P.E. | Costa Rica | |
125 | Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy) | Czech Republic | |
126 | Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos | Dominican Republic | |
127 | Acción Ecológica | Ecuador | |
128 | Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo SJ” (CSMM) | Ecuador | |
129 | FEDAEPS | Ecuador | |
130 | Red Ecuador Decide Mejor sin TLC | Ecuador | |
131 | New Wind Association | Finland | |
132 | Aitec | France | |
133 | Amis de la Terre France | France | |
134 | Attac France | France | |
135 | Collectif stop tafta | France | |
136 | Comité pour l’abolition des dettes illégitimes France (CADTM) | France | |
137 | Commerce Equitable France | France | |
138 | Confédération paysanne | France | |
139 | Coordination EAU bien commun France | France | |
140 | France Nature Environnement | France | |
141 | Notre Affaire à Tous | France | |
142 | Reseau ROOSEVELT.IDF | France | |
143 | Bio consom’acteurs | France | |
144 | Bread for the World, Germany | Germany | |
145 | Alliance for Development | Ghana | |
146 | The Centre for the Advancement of Marginalized Persons | Ghana | |
147 | Naturefriends Greece | Greece | |
148 | PAPDA | Haiti | |
149 | ATTAC Hungary | Hungary | |
150 | Action for Women and Child Advancement (AWCA) | India | |
151 | All India Drug Action Network | India | |
152 | Ansar-un-Nissa | India | |
153 | Association For Promotion Sustainable Development | India | |
154 | Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME) | India | |
155 | Indian Social Action Forum | India | |
157 | IT for Change | India | |
158 | Nivedita Foundation Trust | India | |
159 | Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology | India | |
160 | United NGOs Mission Manipur | India | |
161 | Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) | Indonesia | |
162 | Climate Change Ireland | Ireland | |
163 | Fís Nua | Ireland | |
164 | Keep Ireland Fracking Free | Ireland | |
165 | Fairwatch | Italy | |
166 | Stop TTIP/CETA Italia Campaign | Italy | |
167 | Tripla Difesa Onlus Internazional No Violence | Italy | |
168 | Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers | Jamaica | |
169 | Jamaica Civil Service Association | Jamaica | |
170 | Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions | Jamaica | |
171 | Globalization Watch Hiroshima | Japan | |
172 | Pacific Asia Resource Center(PARC) | Japan | |
173 | People’s Action against TPP | Japan | |
174 | Kenya Human Rights Commission | Kenya | |
175 | Kenya Freedom From Hunger Council | Kenya | |
176 | Lebanese Union of Persons with Physical Disabilities | Lebanon | |
177 | Policy Analysis and Research Institute of Lesotho (PARIL) | Lesotho | |
178 | CELL | Luxembourg | |
179 | Malaysian Women’s Action on Tobacco Control & Health (MyWATCH) | Malaysia | |
180 | Badan Bertindak Selamatkan Industri Padi dan Beras (Padi Rescue) | Malaysia | |
181 | Consumers’ Association of Penang | Malaysia | |
182 | Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+) | Malaysia | |
183 | Sustainable Development Network Malaysia | Malaysia | |
184 | Treat Every Environment Special | Malaysia | |
185 | Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia) | Malaysia | |
186 | Le Réseau Euromed maroc | Marocco | |
187 | Government Services Employees Association | Mauritius | |
188 | Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia | México | |
189 | Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiara, AC MEXFAM | México | |
190 | Asociación Nacional de Industriales de Transformación (ANIT) | México | |
191 | DECA, EQUIPO PUEBLO | México | |
192 | Iniciativas para El Desarrollo de la Mujer Oaxaqueña AC (IDEMO) | México | |
193 | GEFONT-Nepal | Nepal | |
194 | Rural Area Development Programme (RADP) | Nepal | |
195 | Youth For Environment Education And Development Foundation (YFEED Foundation) | Nepal | |
196 | Both ENDS | Netherlands | |
197 | Handel Anders! coalitie | Netherlands | |
198 | Platform Aarde Boer Consument | Netherlands | |
199 | Its Our Future | New Zealand | |
200 | Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) | New Zealand | |
201 | Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa | New Zealand | |
202 | Doctors For Healthy Trade | New Zealand | |
203 | New Zealand Council of Trade Unions | New Zealand | |
204 | New Zealand Public Service Association | New Zealand | |
205 | Tax Justice Aotearoa New Zealand | New Zealand | |
206 | FIRST Union | New Zealand | |
207 | CAFSO-WRAG for Development | Nigeria | |
208 | Civil Society Coalition on Sustainable Development | Nigeria | |
210 | Norwegian Trade Campaign, Norway | Norway | |
211 | Spire | Norway | |
212 | Attac Norway | Norway | |
213 | Dharti Development Foundation | Pakistan | |
214 | NOOR PAKISTAN | Pakistan | |
215 | Roots for Equity | Pakistan | |
216 | Sukaar Welfare Organization | Pakistan | |
217 | Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement (CECIDE) | Papua New Guinea | |
218 | PNG YOUTH ALLIANCE ON HIV/AIDS | Papua New Guinea | |
219 | Decidamos | Paraguay | |
220 | Central Unitaria de Trabajadores del Perú, CUT PERÚ | Perú | |
221 | Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) | Philippines | |
222 | Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER) | Philippines | |
223 | Karapatan Alliance Philippines | Philippines | |
224 | Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisang Manggagawa (SENTRO) | Philippines | |
225 | Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan/FoE Phils. | Philippines | |
226 | TROCA-Plataforma por um Comércio Internacional Justo | Portugal | |
227 | Africaine de Recherche et de Coopération Pour l’Appui au Développement Endogène ARCADE | Senegal | |
228 | Ongd AFRICANDO | Senegal | |
229 | African Futures Institute | South Africa | |
230 | SEATINI South Africa | South Africa | |
231 | People’s Health Institute | South Korea | |
232 | Unión Latina de Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura (ULEPICC) | Spain | |
233 | Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) | Sri Lanka | |
234 | Center for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) | Switzerland | |
235 | Nord Sud XXI | Switzerland | |
236 | ADETRA | Switzerland | |
237 | Association for Proper Internet Governance | Switzerland | |
238 | Solidarité Suisse-Guinée | Switzerland | |
239 | Humanitaire Plus (Togo) | Togo | |
240 | Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux | Tunisia | |
241 | Observatoire Tunisien de l’Economie | Tunisia | |
242 | Alofa Tuvalu | Tuvalu | |
243 | Southern and Eastern Africa Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute SEATINI- Uganda | Uganda | |
244 | Keep Our NHS Public | United Kingdom | |
245 | Global Justice Now, UK | United Kingdom | |
246 | Just Treatment | United Kingdom | |
247 | War on Want | United Kingdom | |
248 | Women’s Budget Group | United Kingdom | |
249 | Citizens Trade Campaign | United States | |
250 | Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach | United States | |
251 | Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project | United States | |
252 | Public Citizen | United States | |
253 | The Oakland Institute | United States | |
254 | National Family Farm Coalition | United States | |
255 | REDES-Amigos de la Tierra (FoE) Uruguay | Uruguay | |
256 | Vanuatu Human Rights Coalition | Vanuatu | |
257 | Asoc. cooperativa eps textil m ribas | Venezuela | |
258 | Coalición de tendencias Clasista (CTC-VZLA) | Venezuela |