The pandemic has a informal worker’s face

The #Fem4PeoplesVaccine campaign brings forth the voice of those groups most marginalized and most affected by Covid-19 and highlights the gendered impacts of the Covid-19 health crisis.

The pharmaceutical industry has the highest profit margins of all sectors. With that money, they have all the machinery to get the international and national decisions in their favor. Meanwhile, a few super-rich men (252) have more wealth than over 1 billion women and girls in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined, according to @oxfaminternational.

If women are the main victims of the pandemic, they are also at the forefront of the resistance to its inequities. This cartoon series represents actions of Southern feminist solidarity and resistance.

At the international level, we demand that the #TRIPSwaiver—a measure that would allow the world to produce #Covid19 vaccines at full capacity, as well as therapeutics & diagnostics—is adopted immediately.

#Fem4PeoplesVaccine #informalworkers #IWD #8M #VaccinEquity #SexWorkers #EndCOVIDMonopolies #gender #feminism #woke #trans