
Women Resisting Extractivism – Declaration

We share the declaration of the indigenous women who gathered in April in Montreal to share their experiences and resistance strategies in their defense of life, environment, water, and ancestral cultures and territories.

(Disponible en español más abajo; disponible en français ci-dessous). 


Within the framework of the “Women Resisting Extractivism” International Gathering, 37 Indigenous women, from different regions of the world, met with the intention of recognizing each other’s work and reaffirming our struggle in defense of life and territory.

During our time working together, we have shared experiences, reflections and knowledge. We clearly affirm we are conscious that our Mother Earth has no borders, which motivates us to unite in our struggle and resistance against extractivism.

We firmly declare that we will continue to exercise stewardship over the lands and our right to govern our bodies, our territories, our sovereignty, our way of life, our livelihoods and our cultural heritage.

We declare that we are the Protectors of Mother Earth and the Sacred Water Carriers. We have thirteen principles:

  1. Belief – We declare the right to practice our spirituality in total freedom.
  2. Judicial – We declare we belong to Mother Earth and must abide by her natural laws. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) must be implemented universally in conjunction with the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth Peoples Agreement.
  3. Vision – We declare the right for our future generations to live in harmony on Mother Earth in the same sacred, respectful manner as our Indigenous ancestors.
  4. Peace – We declare peace be restored among all people and our relationship with Mother Earth.
  5. Destiny – We declare we must enter a healing process with Mother Earth and make honorable decisions mindful of their effects for the next seven generations.
  6. Freedom – We declare the right to be nurtured by Mother Earth free from fear and oppression.
  7. Sovereignty – We declare recognition of the legitimacy of sovereign practices over colonial governance.
  8. Education – We declare our language, ancestral teaching practices, harvesting and agricultural traditions to be sacred knowledge for our people.
  9. Policies – We declare that Mother Earth does not belong to governments, corporations or any entities that wish to exploit her.
  10. Responsibilities – We declare we are keepers of the land and it is our duty to protect Mother Earth.
  11. Wellbeing – We declare the right to protect the wellbeing of Mother Earth from overindulgence and allow her to restore balance.
  12. Mother Earth – We declare Mother Earth as a living being with the same rights inherent to all living beings.
  13. Humanity – We declare, as life givers, to uphold social justice and denounce any activities, which contribute to ongoing poverty, genocide, and destruction of our Peoples socially, politically, economically, culturally and spiritually.

With the contribution of all the participants from the “Women Resisting Extractivism” International Gathering, originating from 13 countries of the world: Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Papua New-Guinea, Philippines, Peru, South Africa and Turkey.

April 29th, 2018

Download the declaration: IWW Declaration FINAL

Descarga la declaración en español: MIM – Declaración FINAL

Télécharger la déclaration en français: FAM Déclaration FINALE