Workshop on Corporate Accountabillity, Public Private Partnerships and Women’s Human Rights

A group of 33 researchers and activists gathered in Addis Ababa, May 26th and 27th 2019, for a Workshop organized by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), with the co-sponsorship of CODESRIA. They participated in an exchange of ideas and experiences on corporate accountability, publicprivate partnerships (PPPs) and women’s human rights, with a focus on extractive industries, social services provisioning and infrastructure in Africa. The workshop was two days of highly intensive debate through a mix of formal presentations, plenary discussions and group work. Participants shared their knowledge on conceptual, economic and political aspects of PPPs, concrete experiences from the field and main challenges ahead including what a feminist framework to PPPs should look like. Following is a summary of the discussions and main insights for DAWN’s future work.