Sustainable Development Goals SDGs

Spotlight Report 2020: Shifting policies for systemic change

Advancing women’s rights and strengthening global governance:
the synergies

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2019: Reshaping governance for sustainability

Reflections on SDGs and Feminist Movement Building

The SDGs and Feminist Movement Building (UN Women Discussion Paper Nº 27)

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018: Exploring new policy pathways

SPOTLIGHT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2017: Reclaiming Policies to the Public

Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles And Accountability Gaps For Realizing Women’s Human Rights

Spotlight on Sustainable Development | 2016

Advocating in 2015 for a sustainable, gender just and human rights based development framework for the next decades

Side Event: Care and Sustainable Economy in the Post 2015 Agenda