What we do

Informe Alternativo al Comité DESC IV Evaluación periódica de la República Argentina

Shadow report to the 64th Session of the CESCR: IV Periodic Report of Argentina

International call to mobilize against the G20 and the IMF

Análisis del Capítulo de Género y Comercio del TLC entre Argentina y Chile

Llamamiento internacional a la movilización frente al G20 y el FMI

DAWN advocates for Australia’s Extra Territorial Obligations to safeguard women’s human rights during the CEDAW Review

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018: Exploring new policy pathways

DAWN Informs on Gender & Global Trade

Challenges of the global order: multilateralism and human rights

Addressing Gender and Trade Issues in Trade Agreements: Creating more problems than solutions?

¿Cómo leer un tratado de comercio?

Foro Feminista frente al Libre Comercio / Feminist Forum Against Free Trade

Shadow report to the 70th Session of CEDAW: Review of Australia Extraterritorial Obligations

Civil Society Organisations’ open letter to World Bank on PPPs

Building a sustainable and equitable world, DAWN’s statement at the 4th World Conference on Women

SPOTLIGHT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2017: Reclaiming Policies to the Public

A Feminist Perspective on the Follow-Up Process for Financing for Development

Future of UNCTAD

Advancing the Montevideo Consensus Agenda: Side Event at CPD49

Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles And Accountability Gaps For Realizing Women’s Human Rights

FfD3 Geopolitical Analysis

Spotlight on Sustainable Development | 2016