Feminists for a People’s Vaccine (FPV)

Put people’s health over Big Pharma’s health

What is the WTO? by Noam Chomsky

Warm-up for the Ministerial Conference

The US hit the snooze button as the world cries for help

The buffon

Lady Injustice

The pandemic is not over

Statement regarding leaked waiver document at WTO

News article Pharmaceutical companies sold vaccines to Latin American with legal and tax benefits

The Impact of the EU’s Opposition to the WTO TRIPS Waiver Proposal on COVID 19 Vaccines

Newsletter #2 – February 2022

Newsletter #1 – January 2022

WTO as a North’s puppet

The pandemic has a trans woman’s face

The pandemic has a informal worker’s face

The highest bidder takes it all

The Impact of the EU’s Opposition to the WTO TRIPS Waiver Proposal on COVID 19 Vaccines

Merry Christmas for whom?

Vaccine equity is a human right

Our time of need is their time to profit

How can feminists from the Global South imagine a post-pandemic world?

Pandemic Treaty as diversionary tactics from tech transfer