DAWN’s work on the theme of Political Restructuring and Social Transformation (PRST) began in 1998 and assumed priority within the network in 1999-2000. The work entailed developing a Southern feminist global analysis of the changing character of the state system, social movements and multilateralisms in the context of an emerging global governance complex during the era of economic globalisation. The resulting book, titled Marketisation of Governance: Critical Feminist Perspectives from the South, is DAWN’s third global analysis. Based on the findings of commissioned regional research and consultations, the analysis strongly critiques global financial and trade liberalisation, a process that has resulted in the erosion of the state’s capacity to meet national social development needs. The analysis highlights the challenges and dilemmas for social movements pursuing economic and gender justice in the era of globalisation, and lays down a number of fundamentals which cannot be compromised. The increase in conflicts resulting from the fragmentation of states, global power shifts and persistent imbalances have become a focus of DAWN’s research effort in this area.
PRST library items / view all

Économie politique des conflits et de la violence à l’égard des femmes : Cas du Sud

Economía política de los conflictos y violencia contra las mujeres: Casos del Sur

Southern Feminist Voices: The Political Economy of Conflict and VAW, 2021

The Representation of Women and Claims to Citizens’ Rights in Africa: Beyond a Political Debate

Political Economy of Wartime Violence Against Women: The Case of Liberia

Undercutting the Lives of South African Women: Sexual Violence and the NGO Funding Crisis in Post-Apartheid South Africa

The Coloniser and Gendered Economic Violence: the impact of prolonged Israeli occupation in Palestine on women’s economic survival

Reimagining Conflict: the (In) visible web of conflict in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

Democracy Under Attack

The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence against Women

The pain of Nicaragua: stories of resistance