DAWN’s second substantive global analysis, titled Reproductive Rights and Population: Feminist Voices from the South, was produced for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in 1994. The analysis illustrated DAWN’s niche role in providing historical analysis, conceptual clarity and strategic direction to organisations working to secure gains for women in the areas of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and development. It broke new ground by placing the issues of population and reproductive health and rights within a broader development framework informed by a feminist political economy that is holistic, sustainable and empowering for women. With the interface of neocons and neolibs in global politics, that results in intolerance of and limitations on a number of human rights, DAWN’s work has also focused on the need to surface and link sexual rights issues more prominently in its South-based social equality-political democracy-economic justice analytical frame.
The DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools for Cairo@20 are analysis and advocacy papers from six regions of the global South – South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Caribbean, Latin America and the MENA region – and are available as PDFs to download from our resources section here.
SRHR latest items

Issue Paper #1 Access to Medicines: Why Should Feminists Care

Universal Health Coverage, Gender Equality and Social Protection: a Health Systems Approach

Reactionary Forces & Biopolitics

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Indonesia: An Analysis of Equality, Quality and Accountability

An Analysis of the Current Status of Contraceptive Services and the Treatment of Gynaecological Morbidities in India Through the Lens of Equality, Quality and Accountability.

Equality, Quality and Accountability in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: China Case Study

Equality, Quality, and Accountability in Advancing SRHR in China, India, and Indonesia

Body, sexuality and reproduction in a changing context

Reflections on Yogyakarta Principles +10

DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools on SRHR for Cairo@20

SRHR in the English Speaking Caribbean: A Study of Maternal Mortality, Abortion and Health Sector Reform in Barbados, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago