Commission on Population and Development (CPD)

After the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Declaration and Programme of Action, the United Nations General Assembly resolved that the existing Population Commission established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) be renamed the Commission on Population and Development (CPD). In the same resolution, the Assembly decided that it, the Council and the CPD should constitute a three-tiered intergovernmental mechanism that would play the primary role in the follow-up to the implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD. In addition, the CPD would assist the ECOSOC in monitoring, reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action at the national, regional and international levels, and advise the Council thereon.

The CPD is an opportunity for civil society to be involved in population and development policy and follow-up actions, through their active advocacy at the UN level and with their national governments.

Commission on Population and Development (CPD) related items