Beijing+20 is the process to assess the implementation by governments and other stakeholders of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995 in Beijing, China. The Beijing outcome document provides the most comprehensive global policy framework for the achievement of gender equality, development and peace. The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the main body that monitors, reviews and evaluates the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action through its annual session in March and its five-year comprehensive review processes.
DAWN, through the years, has been actively engaged in the CSW and Beijing review processes, and has provided the Southern feminist perspective at this important forum.
Beijing Conference
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action are the outcome documents of the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995, and represent global commitments to achieving equality, development and peace for women and girls worldwide. The conference and its NGO forum has also produced concrete results in connecting and reinforcing the activism of women’s movements on a global scale, and achieving official recognition of women’s movements as important political actors.
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action identified 12 critical areas of concern and put forth strategic interventions to deal with these concerns:
- Women and poverty
- Education and training of women
- Women and health
- Violence against women
- Women and armed conflict
- Women and the economy
- Women in power and decision making
- Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women
- Human rights of women
- Women and the media
- Women and the environment
- The girl child
More than 20 years later, these documents remain a powerful source of guidance and inspiration for advancing women’s rights.
Beijing Declaration and PFA related items

Towards Beijing +25: our participation at the UN Women Expert Group Meeting in NYC

Building a sustainable and equitable world, DAWN’s statement at the 4th World Conference on Women

UN ESCAP Committee on Social Development meeting held in Bangkok 18-20 August

Beijing and Beyond: DAWN Statement by Cai Yiping at the Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum on Beijing +20

BPFA and UNSCR 1325, 1820 and 1888

(CSW 54) Moving the Agenda Forward: Championing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action for the Achievement of the MDGs [Part 1]

(CSW 54) Moving the Agenda Forward: Championing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action for the Achievement of the MDGs [Part 3]

(CSW 54) Moving the Agenda Forward: Championing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action for the Achievement of the MDGs [Part 2]

(CSW) Concerning Beijing+15 Review Process at Commission on the Status of Women

(CSW) The Beijing Platform for Action 15 Years After: Surviving Multilateral Dysfunctionality in a Fierce New World