
DAWN Informs July 2012

In this issue, DAWN at Rio+20: 

  • South Feminist Reflection on BPFA+20 and the 5th WCW, p. 1
  • DAWN@CPD p.2
  • SRHR: The Unfinished Agenda p.3
  • DAWN Speaks Truth to Power p.4
  • Centerfold: DAWN @ Rio+20 p.6-7
  • Governments Gamble with Our Future p.8
  • Politicize CEDAW Article 14(a): Rural Women and the Triple Crisis p.9
  • DAWN Panel @ CSW 56 p.10
  • Linking Rio+20, Cairo+20, and MDGs+15 from South feminist perspectives p.14
  • Financialization, Food Security and Women’s Rights: An African Perspective p.15
  • Transforming Finance to Work for Gender Justice in a “Fierce New World” p.17