As a network of Southern feminists and activists working for economic and gender justice and political transformation, DAWN is committed to critical advocacy work both at the global and regional levels. We work in partnership with other organisations and networks to reform international institutions, ensure that governments live up to the commitments made in conferences, and mainstream gender in NGO advocacy initiatives. Our most sustained advocacy efforts have centred on multilateral negotiations, especially within the United Nations system. Advocacy initiatives have also been taken on by individuals on the DAWN Executive Committee who are passionate about a particular issue or are connected to channels that present opportunities for such advocacy. The high-powered reach of many women who are part of the DAWN network brings in a range of opportunities, but also leads to overlaps and tensions in prioritisation, as well as some unevenness, inconsistency and unpredictability in advocacy engagements. At present, DAWN is involved in various campaigns in both global and regional arenas, the foremost of which is the United Nations (New York and Geneva).