Bot Populi is an alternative media platform dedicated to looking at all things digital from a social justice, and Global South perspective. It covers and reports on the ways in which the digital world affects different aspects of our lives, in obvious as well as in unexpected ways.
IT for Change is a Bengaluru-based not-for-profit organisation engaged in research, policy advocacy and field practice at the intersections of digital technologies and social change, with a specific focus on social justice and gender equality.
The Declaration on Feminist Digital Justice
DAWN and IT for Change launched the much-awaited Declaration on Feminist Digital Justice. The Declaration was born out of a collaboration between 36 feminist scholars and activists worldwide and outlined the issues of a new gender-just digital compact to address intersectional exclusion and exploitation in the platform public, the digital welfare state, and the data & AI economy.

The global communications agora and emerging metaverse technologies must be reclaimed from the jaws of surveillance capitalism.
Declaration on Feminist Digital Justice
Towards a Feminist Digital Justice Vision: Issue Mapping of Critical Considerations
The Working Group on Feminist Digital Justice was co-convened by Development Alternatives with Womenfor a New Era (DAWN) and IT for Change as part of Just Net Coalition’s ‘Digital Justice’ initiative. The Working Group met over 2021-22 to co-develop this Background Paper and frame The Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice.

The commodification of feminism and the appropriation of feminist discourses by Big Tech needs to be challenged by reclaiming the internet’s communication commons.
Working Group on FDJ

Issue Papers
A series of issue papers that traces the contours of a feminist development agenda for the digital economy.