From global mobilising spaces such as the World Social Forum (WSF) and the International Women’s Strike (IWS) to regional activism such as the Feminist Encounters of Latin American and Caribbean Women (EFLAC), DAWN is constantly involved in processes of collective articulation that contribute to promote and strengthen the struggle for women’s human rights.
DAWN at the Feminist Forum against G20
2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina
DAWN has been one of the key promoters of the Feminist Forum against G20, an initiative that articulates dozens of feminists’ and women’s organisations and networks, and which is part of the broader coalition of international civil society movements organizing the Global Action Week and People’s Summit against the G20, that will take place from November 25 to the 1st of December in Buenos Aires, Argentina, parallel to the G20 Presidential Summit. Here we present a collection of the different activities and resources related to this process:
The initiative of this Feminist Forum is based on the experience during the first Feminist Forum against Free Trade at the end of 2017, within the context of the Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Declaration of the Feminist Forum against Free Trade and the Great Feminist Assembly
During the month of May 2018, a series of strategy meetings and capacity building workshops took place related to the organization of civil society and social movement’s resistance towards the G20. DAWN was represented by Flora Partenio, Corina Rodríguez Enríquez, and Alejandra Scampini:
Towards the Feminist Forum against G20 / Rumbo al Foro Feminista Frente al G20
In July 2018, DAWN hosted the first of a series of webinars to discuss the challenges of G20 and how sexual dissidence, women and feminists´ organizations are mobilising:
On the 7th of August 2018, DAWN co-organized a new meeting to advance in the preparation of the Feminist Forum against G20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina:
DAWN at the international preparatory meeting towards the Feminist Forum against G20
On September 1st, the NO G20 Assembly together with other organizations convened an International Preparatory Meeting to advance in the organization of the popular rejection of the G20 policies. DAWN was represented once more by Alejandra Scampini, Flora Partenio and Corina Rodríguez Enríquez:
Call for National and International Preparatory Meeting against the G20
During the first two days of October, parallel to the Women20 summit, the Feminist Forum mobilized in Buenos Aires with artistic manifestations and debates about alternatives to the G20 policies:
Action Days against the W20 and G20 / Jornadas de Acción contra el W20 y G20
G20 and Women20 agenda: lessons learnt and challenges for the construction of a new feminist forum
Neither victims nor entrepreneurs: The feminist mobilizations against the W20 in Buenos Aires
DAWN at the World Social Forum 2018
March 2018, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
As part of its engagement in the World Social Forum (WSF) 2018 that took place in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, DAWN held a two-day dialogue with feminists from around the global South on “Fundamentalisms, militarization and Corporate Power” and coordinated two self-managed workshops (14th and 15th of March) within the WSF. It also participated in the coordination of the World Women’s Assembly. In this page we put together the main pieces of information, pictures and videos shared from those days.
Read the note on the Dialogue in this link (texto disponible también español):
DAWN Dialogue: Fundamentalisms, Militarization and Corporate Power (Eng & Español)
The photo gallery of the Dialogue is available here (galería de fotos del diálogo):
Dialogue on Fundamentalisms, Militarization and Corporate Power in Salvador de Bahia
The first of the two self-managed workshops coordinated within the World Social Forum was focused on the past International Women’s Strike. This is the note by Alejandra Scampini summarizing the reflections shared:
TALLER: Evaluación del Paro 8M y construcción del Foro Feminista frente al G20
The following photo gallery presents pictures from both of DAWN’s self-managed workshops at the World Social Forum, as well as from the World Women’s Assembly:
Actividades en el Foro Social Mundial 2018 / Activities at the World Social Forum 2018
DAWN was also a key actor amongst the feminist groups that articulated the World Women Assembly. Read its final declaration here:
Asamblea Mundial de Mujeres del FSM 2018 / World Women’s Assembly at WSF 2018
During the third day of the WSF we received the shocking news of the murder of the black feminist Marielle Franco, a councilor from Rio de Janeiro who had denounced police brutality in the favelas of Rio. DAWN expressed its strong condemnation and joined the voices demanding #JusticeforMarielle:
Release (Español & English): We condemn the murder of feminist Marielle Franco in Brazil
Flora Partenio, del Comité Ejecutivo de DAWN, fue una de las ponentes en el taller autogestionado de la Asamblea Argentina mejor sin TLC, donde se debatió sobre cómo avanzar hacia la articulación y movilización social frente a la Cumbre de Presidentes del G-20, que tendrá lugar en Buenos Aires el 30 de noviembre y 1ero de diciembre de este año. Compartimos la nota del taller aquí:
Taller “G-20, el camino hacia la cumbre de Buenos Aires, 2018”
In the following videos, some of the feminists that participated in DAWN’s dialogue and workshops share their reflections on the importance of the World Social Forum as a space for building solidarity and for inter-movement connections / En estos videos algunas de las participantes en el diálogo de DAWN en el marco del FSM 2018 comparten sus reflexiones:
Perspectivas feministas sobre el Foro Social Mundial 2018 (subtítulos en español)
Feminist perspectives on the World Social Forum 2018 (English Subtitles)
DAWN at the People’s Summit Out WTO
December, 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina
In the context of the 11th World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference that took place in December 2017 in Buentos Aires, Argentina, DAWN has been a key actor in the feminist articulation around the issue of free trade and in the struggle against the negative impacts of the WTO on women`s lives. Here we put together our more relevant informations and posts about this process:
DAWN´s workshop at the Feminist Encounter of Latin America and the Caribbean (EFLAC), in November 2017, served as a space of first reflections around how the free trade agenda impacts in women´s human rights, and as preparation for the upcoming activism:
DAWN’s workshop: How does WTO meddle in the life of female workers?
Together with dozens other organizations, DAWN joined the call call for a Great Feminist Assembly in which women, trans, transvestites, lesbians, migrants, refugees, indigenous, afro-descendant and displaced women would join voices and share experiences on the struggle against the free trade agenda:
Read the article by Flora Partenio, DAWN Executive Committee member, on the relevance of the Feminist Assembly, published in the Argentinian press:
Check out the photo gallery of DAWN at the Feminist Forum against Free Trade, the Great Feminist Assemby, and the closing march of the People`s Summit “Out WTO! Building Sovereignty”. All these events were part of the Global Week of Action against the WTO in Buenos Aires:
“Faced with corporate power impersonating the dispossession of territories by transnational corporations, we commit ourselves to globalize the struggles and to continue strengthening ties and articulations”. Read the powerful final statement of the People´s Summit:
Final statement of the Peoples’ Summit “WTO Out! Building Sovereignty”
This report shared by Third World Network explains why civil society organizations considered the the eleventh WTO ministerial conference (MC11) as a failure:
CSOs disappointed over MC11 failure to deliver on PSH, development
“Corporations take advantage of gender inequality. Accordingly, what we consider to be structural inequalities, are comparative advantages for governments and corporations, that translate into lower salaries and poorer working conditions”. Read the full final text from the Feminist Forum against Free Trade, in English and Spanish:
Declaration of the Feminist Forum against Free Trade and the Great Feminist Assembly
Declaración del Foro Feminista frente al Libre Comercio y de la Gran Asamblea Feminista
In this post we share a list of articles, podcasts, news and interviews which figure DAWN or some of its member´s participation in the Global Week of Action against the WTO (mostly in Spanish):
Semana de Acción Global contra contra la OMC: DAWN en la prensa
Finally, listen to the audios of the Feminist Forum (in Spanish):
DAWN at the 14th Feminist Encounter of Latin America and the Caribbean (EFLAC)
November, 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay
Last november in Uruguay, DAWN actively participated in the 14th Feminist Encounter of Latin America and the Caribbean (EFLAC) with the coordination of two workshops, together with other allied organizations.
In this article Alejandra Scampini, DAWN´s associate, reflects on the learnings from that experience:
DAWN´s workshop “Feminists in the streets and thinking” provided a space to debate the historical context of feminist struggles that preceded recent mobilizations on March 8 in the region:
The workshop “How does WTO meddle in the life of female workers?” called for a mobilization and the organization of resistance actions against the World Trade Organization (WTO) whose ministerial conference would take place a month later in Buenos Aires, Argentina:
DAWN’s workshop: How does WTO meddle in the life of female workers?
The photo gallery of the event puts together pictures from the different workshops as well as the opening assembly of the EFLAC:
DAWN at the 8M
As part of the FSMET, DAWN walked the #8M 2020 with the clarity that this is the time of women
March 2021, DAWN and REAS spoke on how the solidarity and feminist economies contribute to the construction of the solution for the Covid crisis
Lecturas feministas de la pandemia: Construcciones, alternativas y desafíos rumbo al 8M
DAWN at the Foro Social Mundial de las Economías Transformadoras (FSMET)
DAWN joins the collective work of building the FSMET at the beginning of 2019 until the virtual conference from June 25th to July 1st, 2020.
Reflections of the Feminist Confluence Towards the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies
Why is it important to participate in the FSMET construction process?
DAWN at the World Social Forum
DAWN organized on November 2nd 2018, within the scope of the World Social Forum on Migration in Mexico and in coordination with PODER, a workshop with a feminist perspective on migration, human rights and development, focusing on the experiences of Venezuela and Mexico.
Migraciones con mirada feminista: DAWN en el Foro Social Mundial 2018
This is a space to analyze the participation and contribution of women and feminists since the birth of the Forum in 2001.
Foro social Mundial de México: World Social Forum Mexico was organized on May 1 – 8, 2022
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